Monday, June 2, 2008

Hooked on The Legend

I just bought the DVD set for "The Legend" (seems like that's the name), the latest Bae Yong Jun drama serial. Alv and I are hooked after watching a few eps on tv, and decided we don't want to wait until the weekends to watch it. Another reason: I don't want to confine Ian to playing in our small tv room while I try to catch important scenes.

I'm not a fan of Bae or modern Korean drama serials - they are too slow-moving and I always end up fast-forwarding (I can still tell what's happening from the subtitles!). That's why I can't understand why people like "My Sassy Girl" so much; I find it highly irritating.

But the "traditional" Korean drama serials are a different matter and I always like "martial arts" or historical stuff. "The Legend" is pretty exciting so far although I admit Bae looked hilarious as the "luminous" (literally speaking!) messiah character. I also bought the one about the Korean giseang after catching a few eps on tv.

I've made these observations about Korean drama serials from the few I've watched:
1. They love to start the stories when the protagonists are children
2. All the characters can tear on demand
3. They love to recap scenes with some heart-tugging music in the background

"The Legend" has 1 and 2 so far. Let's see if they'll have 3.

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