Our close friendship started about four years ago. It was with Les and Pat initially after we invited them to dinner at Waraku and had such a great time together. We had always said hi-bye in our church's then-Young Adults Ministry (YAM) but it wasn't until that dinner that we got to know one another better. I forgot how Hee Jhun came into the picture later. Ha ha.
One fond memory I have of our friendship is how we'd squeeze into Hee Jhun's beat-up Toyota to go for suppers almost every Sat after YAM meeting and hang out, sharing about spiritual things and frivilous stuff alike. Nowadays suppers are rare because I have a young son now - we went for a quick one at tong shui after a church meeting recently. And we all have our own cars now.
I remember how we watched The Chronicles of Narnia and cheered together when Aslan the lion breathed his last, saying 'It is finished.' (that was the last thing uttered by our Saviour on the cross)
I'm glad our friendship stood the test of the time, the changes and trials in our lives. We came from different educational and family backgrounds and are of different ages. but the Lord has blessed our friendship. Alv and I asked Him for close friends four years ago and He surely answered. :)
- photos taken with my e71. Quality not great. Sony Ericsson cams still better.
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