I risk sounding bimbotic writing about shoes but since I won't ever work as a fashion writer, I might as well do it on my blog. That's called living vicariously.
HM once said I should consider a career as a fashion stylist. I thought about it but hmmm I know what I look good in, it's a different thing suggesting what someone else should wear, though I can give pretty good suggestions. ;) How about a shoe stylist, if there's such a thing.
I had this conversation with my husband sometime back about why I think two, or three, or four, even five pairs of shoes are not enough for a woman. For a man, that's ok (of course there are men who'll beg to differ).
Why are five pairs not enough?
You need at least a black, a brown, a nude, and a coloured pair EACH of working shoes, ditto the above for casual shoes.
Double the above with covered and non-covered toe shoes (non-covered for non-pedicured-toes days). Don't forget shoes with different heel-heights, stylish sneakers for walkalot holidays, flip-flops for different occasions, dress shoes for evening dresses etc etc etc. And pretty shoes that look like works of art which you are happy to just buy and keep. Oh, and you need new shoes when you are pregnant as well.
I know many women are not as particular about my shoes as me but I wish they won't do things like
1. wear open toe shoes without a pedicure
2. wear open toe shoes with stockings!!!
3. wear casual open toe shoes (e.g. with cork heel or fabric heel) with a suit or office clothes!
4. wear brown shoes with a black suit or vice versa
5. wear the same pair of shoes everyday (you should air your shoes)
I can go on. I guess that's why I've 30 pairs of shoes. And only part of my collection is in the photo above. I had a wall to ceiling shoe cabinet (with display case for my husband's collectibles in between) built for my new place. Thank God there's enough space for all my shoes and thank God Alv doesn't complain when I bring home another pair of shoes!